quarta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2015


Love doesn't proceed by someone's break heart,to the take wish for want it/him/her,,doesn't got.
Love is so object of this world's,what happen by someone,doesn't happen with other person/lover.

Kisi Ko Toot Kar Chane Se
Mohabbat Nahi Hoti, Use Paane Ki
Khwahish Rakhne Se Mohabbat
Nahi Hoti, Mohabbat To Is Duniya Ki
Wo Azeem Cheez Hai, Jo Kisi Se Ek
Baar Ho Jaye To Fir Kisi Se Nahi

terça-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2015

domingo, 13 de dezembro de 2015


कितना प्यार है उनसे काश वो ये जान लें,
वो ही है ज़िंदगी मेरी ये बात मान लें,
उनको देने को नहीं कुछ पास हमारे,
बस एक जान है हमारी जब चाहे मांग लें.

sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2015

Mumbai! Yay! Nós todos amamos Mumbai, não é? Há algo sobre Mumbai que atrai as pessoas, como mariposas para uma chama. A cidade insone tem muito a oferecer durante o dia e noite; pizzazz, dinheiro, liberdade, oportunidades. E como toda cidade, Mumbai também está contaminado por equívocos. A maioria das pessoas vive em um paraíso de tolos quando se pensa em Mumbai, sem compreender que nem tudo que reluz é ouro, e que o dinheiro e glamour têm um preço. Porém, talvez isso é o que torna tão especial Mumbai. Apesar de toda a confusão e problemas, nós amamos incondicionalmente Mumbai. Aqui estão equívocos comuns sobre a cidade e sua inseparável Mumbaikar que simplesmente não são verdade! 1. Mumbai é dominada pela política de Idiomas. Mumbai tem uma relação de amor e ódio com a sua própria história. Enquanto a classe média educada pode ter e tem julgamentos morais sobre qualquer coisa e tudo, sem nunca sujar as mãos, política e poder político são uma realidade para as outras duas classes. Mas, a única coisa Mumbai rejeita a maioria é categorização e separação. Assim, enquanto a política de Idiomas faz elevar sua cabeça de vez em quando, Mumbai acaba acomodando cada pessoa se recusar a falar outra língua, seja Marathi ou Hindi.   Mumbai Kya re! Wo Samor ka bhaaji wala swasta Madhe deta hai! rediff 2. Thane, Kalyan, Virar não são parte de Mumbai. Só porque eles tecnicamente não vêm sob a Região Metropolitana de Mumbai, não significa que eles são separados da cidade. As pessoas trabalham em Mumbai, o comércio acontece em Mumbai e Mumbai é apenas um passeio locais trituração de osso de distância!   Mumbai Uma vez fui a Thane! Ele cheirava como terra! wikipedia 3. trens lentos são lentos e trens rápidos são rápidos. Todo mundo novo para a cidade, incluindo crianças de Mumbaikars pensar que trens rápidos são realmente mais rápido do que os trens lentos e depois perguntam por que os trens lentos em tudo! Vamos deixar este mistério para você visitar a nossa cidade e descubra!   Mumbai Uma vez Alia Bhatt, Rahul Gandhi e Rakhi Sawant estavam indo por um trem rápido ... Youtube 4. Mumbai vida ki é impressionante! Mumbai está cheio de oportunidades, não há dúvida sobre isso. E a vida não se instalar aqui. A única coisa é, você pode ter que se contentar cerca de 50 kms de distância da cidade, você pode literalmente nunca se acostumar com o tráfego em estradas e multidão em trens, e você vai estar correndo por aí tanto para o resto de sua vida, você vai nunca mais querer resolver em qualquer lugar!   Mumbai É assim que levamos. funnfun 5. Mumbaikars odeiam migrantes! Se Mumbai realmente odiava migrantes, não haveria mais de 200 famílias vindo para liquidar todos os dias! Quando sabemos que você é de fora, vamos fazer você se sentir tão bem-vinda quanto os nossos horários vai permitir-nos. Só não ficar no lado errado de um trem de pico hora de descer em uma estação lotada!   Mumbai Esta estação é construída de tal forma que você tem que tomar um trem local para ir a qualquer lugar. Bem-vindo a Mumbai! inchembur 6. Todos nós falar como Circuito de Munna Bhai. Vamos apenas fazer uma coisa bem clara. Podemos falar como as pessoas Deli, mas não que estão dentro de nossas próprias jumentos. Então, nós não.   Mumbai Ae, bola toh nikal leneka! Khalipili lafde pe nai utaar, bolrela ae! wheatish 7. As nossas escolas e faculdades estão exatamente como retratado em Bollywood! Nem todos nós temos carros chamativos, a maioria de nós usar o transporte público. As meninas não usam mais curta das saias curtas e os meninos não usam tops e shorts. Não temos salas de aula com ar condicionado e até o final do dia, todos nós temos feito algum bom para empresas de desodorante.   Mumbai Isso é apenas como as pessoas em Delhi e Lokhandwala vestido. santabanta 8. Nós somos tudo sobre Bollywood e celebridades Nós correr em celebridades de vez em quando. Mas, principalmente, eles estão atirando ocupado, estamos ocupados assistindo seus filmes ou trabalhar para o cinema. Isso é onde termina. Mesmo que topar com eles, estamos bastante bem comportados e para além de um selfie e um autógrafo, não chatear ninguém abaixo Amitabh, Sachin, o CM eo nível PM. Não, nem mesmo Rakhi Sawant.   Mumbai Arre Iska make-up toh meri Maasi ki ki bua Ladki Karti hai! mtvstat 9. Mumbai meios alimentares, paav vada e paav bhaaji. Nós amamos Vada Pav! E Pav Bhaaji !! Mas há uma série de outros tipos de alimentos que comemos demais. Como McVada paav e paav Bhaaji Dosa.   Mumbai comida Ok multa. Nós admitimos este. Mas eu quero um Vada Pav agora! indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime 10. Mumbaikars são todos HiFi. Ao contrário do que você pensa, nós estamos quebrou a maior parte do tempo. O aluguel, todas as viagens nos deixa kangaal. Nem todos nós usar roupas da Zara, viajar em carros com ar-condicionado e comer no Taj.   Mumbai Eu mantive todos os meus caros roupas de marca em casa para vir jogar na chuva! vale-de-dance 11. Todas as meninas que vivem em Mumbai são luxuosas e dizer Ya! Isso é apenas os mais novos operadores de Delhi e os oldies na Lokhandwala. Mumbai meninas são bastante os getters ir e viajantes de trem locais, obrigado!   Elegante O que ya! Você pisou no meu falsos sandálias Gucci! Thik hai, vaanda nai. Vamos compartilhar um vada pav! indianexpress   Concordo com nossa lista? O que equívocos você enfrenta como um Mumbaikar?

Mumbai! Yay!

We all love Mumbai, don’t we? There’s something about Mumbai that attracts people, like moths to a flame. The insomniac city has a lot to offer through the day and night; pizzazz, money, freedom, opportunities. And like every city, Mumbai too, is tainted by misconceptions.

Most people live in a fool’s paradise when they think of Mumbai, failing to understand that all that glitters is not gold, and that money and glamour come at a price.

Howbeit, maybe this is what makes Mumbai so special. Despite all the muddle and problems, we love Mumbai unconditionally.

Here are common misconceptions about the city and her inseparable Mumbaikar that are simply not true!

1. Mumbai is dominated by Language politics.
Mumbai has a love-hate relationship with her own history. While the educated middle class can have and does have moral judgements about anything and everything, without ever getting their hands dirty, politics and political power are a reality for the other two classes. But, the one thing Mumbai rejects the most is categorization and separation. So while Language politics does rear its head from time to time, Mumbai ends up accommodating every person refusing to speak another language, be it Marathi or Hindi.

Kya re! Wo samor ka bhaaji wala swasta madhe deta hai! rediff

2. Thane, Kalyan, Virar are not part of Mumbai.
Just because they technically do not come under the Mumbai Metropolitan Region, does not mean they are separate from the city. The people work in Mumbai, trade happens in Mumbai and Mumbai is just a bone-crunching local ride away!

I once went to Thane! It smelled just like Earth! wikipedia

3. Slow trains are slow and fast trains are fast.
Everyone new to the city, including children of Mumbaikars think that fast trains are actually faster than slow trains and then wonder why have slow trains at all! We shall leave this mystery for you to visit our city and find out!

Once Alia Bhatt, Rahul Gandhi and Rakhi Sawant were going by a fast train…

4. Mumbai ki life is awesome!
Mumbai is full of opportunities, no doubt about that. And life does get settled here. Only thing is, you might have to settle some 50 kms away from the city, you may literally never get used to the traffic on roads and crowd in trains, and you will be running around so much for the rest of your life, you will never again want to settle anywhere!

That’s how we roll. funnfun

5. Mumbaikars hate migrants!
If Mumbai really hated migrants, there wouldn’t be more than 200 families coming in to settle every single day! When we know you are from outside, we will make you feel as welcome as our schedules will allow us. Just don’t stand on the wrong side of a peak hour train to get down at a crowded station!

This station is built such that you HAVE to take a local train to go anywhere. Welcome to Mumbai! inchembur

6. All of us talk like Circuit from Munna Bhai.
Let’s just make one thing clear. We can talk like Delhi people, but we are not that up inside our own asses. So we don’t.

Ae, bola toh nikal leneka! Khalipili lafde pe nai utaar, bolrela ae! wheatish

7. Our schools and colleges are exactly as depicted in Bollywood!
Not all of us have flashy cars, majority of us use public transport. Girls do not wear shortest of the short skirts and boys do not wear tank tops and shorts. We do not have air conditioned classrooms and by the end of the day, we’ve all done some good to deodorant companies.

That’s only how people in Delhi and Lokhandwala dress. santabanta

8. We are all about Bollywood and celebrities
We do run into celebrities from time to time. But mostly, they’re busy shooting, we’re busy watching their movies or working for the movies. That’s where it ends. Even if we do bump into them, we are quite well behaved and beyond a selfie and an autograph, we don’t badger anyone below Amitabh, Sachin, the CM and the PM level. No, not even Rakhi Sawant.

Arre iska make-up toh meri maasi ki bua ki ladki karti hai! mtvstat

9. Mumbai food means, vada paav and paav bhaaji.
We love Vada Pav! And Pav Bhaaji!! But there are a lot of other kinds of food we eat too. Like McVada Paav and Paav Bhaaji Dosa.

Mumbai food
Ok fine. We admit this one. But I want a Vada Pav now! indianholocaustmyfatherslifeandtime

10. Mumbaikars are all HiFi.
Contrary to what you think, we’re broke most of the time. The rent, all the travelling leaves us kangaal. Not all of us wear clothes from Zara, travel in air conditioned cars and eat at the Taj.

I kept all my expensive branded clothes at home to come play in the rain! valley-of-dance

11. All girls living in Mumbai are posh and say Ya!
That’s just the newest entrants from Delhi and the oldies at Lokhandwala. Mumbai girls are quite the go getters and local train travelers, thank you!

What ya! You stepped on my fake Gucci sandals! Thik hai, vaanda nai. We will share a vada pav! indianexpress

Agree with our list? What misconceptions do you face as a Mumbaikar?

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Salman Khan thanks fans, says ‘accept the decision with humility’

Salman Khan thanks fans, says ‘accept the decision with humility’

Hours after Salman Khan was acquitted by the Bombay High Court in the 2002 hit-and-run case, the Bollywood superstar thanked his fans and family for their unconditional support.
In a post on Twitter, Salman Khan said: “I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility. I thank my family, friends & fans for their support & prayers.”
I accept the decision of the judiciary with humility. I thank my family, friends & fans for their support & prayers .
— Salman Khan (@BeingSalmanKhan) December 10, 2015
Setting aside Salman’s conviction by the Sessions Court, the Bombay High Court said in the jam-packed courtroom, “The appeal is allowed. The trial court’s verdict is quashed and set aside…Salman is acquitted of all the charges.” (Read: Salman Khan hit-and-run case verdict: Probe was conducted in a faulty manner, says Bombay HC)
Holding that the evidence was “weak”, Justice Joshi dwelt upon the shortcomings in the prosecution’s case, such as not recording evidence of important witnesses and also omissions and contradictions in the evidence of injured witnesses.

Salman Khan thanks fans, says ‘accept the decision with humility’

India clears Japan’s bid for first bullet train ahead of Shinzo Abe trip

India clears Japan’s bid for first bullet train ahead of Shinzo Abe trip

A railway official said a panel led by Modi's adviser, Arvind Panagariya, had cited the accident-free record of the Japan's high-speed trains in its recommendation.

bullet train, india bullet train, japan bullet train, shinzo abe, shinzo abe in india, news Japan had offered to finance 80 percent of the cost of the train linking financial capital Mumbai with Ahmedabad.

India’s cabinet has cleared a $14.7 billion Japanese proposal to build its first bullet train line, an Indian government minister and official said on Thursday, one of India’s biggest foreign investments in its infrastructure sector.
The decision ahead of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit beginning on Friday gives Japan an early lead over China, which is also bidding to build high-speed rail lines across large parts of India’s congested and largely British-era system.
Japan had offered to finance 80 percent of the cost of the train linking financial capital Mumbai with Ahmedabad, the commercial centre of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s home state of Gujarat, at an interest rate of less than 1 percent.
“It’s been done,” a government minister who attended the cabinet meeting headed by Modi late on Wednesday told Reuters.
An official in Modi’s office confirmed the decision, saying there were some issues relating to the bullet train but that had since been sorted out in time for Abe’s visit.
“We expect to make an announcement during the visit,” the official said. Both the minister and the official declined to be identified.
Modi and Abe have forged a strong relationship, seeking to expand commercial and defence ties and push back against the rising influence of China across Asia.
Japan’s International Cooperation Agency completed a feasibility study in July on the 505-km (315-mile) Mumbai-Ahmedabad corridor offering to cut travel time to two hours from the current seven to eight hours.
China was in September given the right to assess the feasibility of a high-speed train link between Delhi and Chennai, in the south, after getting clearances from India’s security agencies wary of Chinese involvement in infrastructure areas such as telecoms and railways.
French and Spanish firms are also conducting studies into building two of the routes in a quadrilateral of high-speed train lines criss-crossing the country that would drastically reduce travel times.
A railway official said a panel led by Modi’s adviser, Arvind Panagariya, had cited the accident-free record of the Japan’s high-speed trains in its recommendation.
Lured by the scale of India’s transport needs, foreign rail companies are aggressively campaigning to sell their technology and steal a march on rivals.
However, the government has not said how it would pay for the new lines if they eventually get the green light.

sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2015


रिश्तों में गर्माहट बरकरार रखना
मौसम तो अभी और भी सर्द होगा "


वो जुर्म भी हमारा था, वो प्यार भी हमारा था
उनके उपर लगा हर इल्जाम भी हमारा था
सजा भी हमको मिली , क्यो की ,
ना वक्त हमारा था ना साथ तुम्हारा था

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015

Live: No overnight rains in Chennai, focus shifts from rescue to relief work

Chennai é lentamente mancando de volta à normalidade. Os Airports Authority of India disse que o aeroporto de Chennai, que foi fechada desde segunda-feira, vai iniciar operações parciais no sábado. Os bancos também permanecerá aberto no domingo, a fim de facilitar as transacções financeiras lisas.
Operações de salvamento e de socorro em massa estão em andamento em todo o estado. Tamil Nadu Estado Relief oficial disse que mais de 11 lakh pessoas foram evacuadas até agora. Além disso, o poder foi restaurado na maioria das áreas.

Indian Recipes - Bhindi Do Pyaaza

Hindi Language Blog - Indian Recipes – Bhindi Do Pyaaza

Bhindi Do Pyaaza is a very popular and easy vegetarian dish. In this dish, the bhindi  or Indian okra is cut into small pieces and are cooked with the onion, turmeric, coriander and Garam masala.
So what are you waiting for, let’s make this delicious dish at home.
Recipe Servings : 4
Recipe Cook Time : 45 min (Cook time: 30 minutes and preparation time is 15 minutes)
Bhindi Do Pyaaza
Bhindi Do Pyaaza


500 gms Okra or lady finger (भिंडी – bhindi).
2 large onions (प्याज – pyaaz) or about 4 medium onions, about 2 heaped cup sliced onions.
½ tsp turmeric powder (हल्दी – haldi).
1 tsp red chilly (लाल मिर्च – lal mirch)  powder or add as required.
1 tsp dried mango powder (आमचूर – amchur) or juice from half fresh lemon.
1 tsp garam masala (गरम मसाला) powder.
3 to 3.5 tbsp oil (तेल – tel) or ghee (घी).
Salt (नमक  – namak) as required.


  1. Firstly wash the bhindi in running water. Then wipe them with a kitchen napkin. Now chop the okra into half inch pieces. Slice the onions thinly.
  2. In a pan or wok, add ghee or oil. Then add the chopped bhindis. Saute them on a low to medium flame till the bhindis become slightly tender.
  3. Now add the sliced onions. Add all the dry masala powders except garam masala powder and amchur and mix well. Add salt too. Mix the bhindis well with the onions.
  4. Cook on a slow flame till the bhindi has become tender and cooked. Don’t overcook as the bhindis will get mushy.
  5. Lastly, add the garam masala powder and amchur. Amchur will give them little sour taste. You can use lemon juice (squeezing half lemon) instead of amchur powder.
  6. Mix the garam masala powder and amchur powder with the bhindi and onions.
  7. Serve Bhindi Do Pyaza with rotis or phulkas. It can also be served as a side dish
  8. Just before serving you could garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves. Serve hot with Roti (रोटी) or Naan (नान) or Basmati rice (चावल).

quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2015


India defies climate negotiations in Paris
The country has bold proposals, but complicates the negotiations and intends to continue investing in thermoelectric

The Indian prime minister Narendra Modi speaks at the Paris Climate Conference (Photo: Ap Photo / Michael Euler)
India is the fourth largest global emitter of greenhouse gases that heat the planet and cause climate change and are stealing the show in these early days of the Paris climate conference, COP-21. With China and the US leading to serious negotiations and approaching the historical positions of the European Union, the three largest polluters are relatively aligned and thus all eyes turn to the letters that India is putting on the table.

The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi opened up in high voltage, since announcing the first day a great alliance solar than 120 countries, doubling the resources allocated by India to renewable energy and joining the billionaire fund proposed by Bill Gates for the development of solar energy.

>> Climate targets can be reviewed every five years

So isolated views, these cards placed on the table by Modi at the beginning of trading season are very auspicious, especially if we consider that all these initiatives add up to huge goal that India had for renewable energy: get to 2022 with 175 gigawatts solar and wind energy.

But the Prime Minister of initial hyperactivity serves also of smokescreen to unfriendly positions that the country has taken in the negotiations for a new climate agreement, as Lisa Friedman wrote to the special report of E & E.

>> More vulnerable countries call for more urgent and effective action at COP-21

For starters, the real economy, India provides huge investments in thermoelectric coal plants that will coexist with investments in clean energy.

In the negotiations, the country has been against the inclusion in the agreement on construction of a periodic review system-tourniquet and deeper emission reduction targets every five years.

India has also opposed the definition of a long-term goal for the agreement, be the decarbonisation of the global economy in the twenty-first century, as proposed by the G7 and Brazil, is the decarbonisation by 2050, as proposed by the most vulnerable countries to impacts of climate change, as the island countries of the Pacific and the Caribbean, Indonesia, Bangladesh and others.

And India has used and abused the concept of climate justice and, thus, hampered progress on critical details of the new agreement. I can understand that India today is the country that claims climate justice and space in the carbon budget that humanity still has to "spend" before hiring a global warming of more than 2 ° C. Over 300 million people live there without access to electricity and is common blackouts leave more than 700 million in the dark. This brings the issue of energy, and investment needed in the sector to be a key issue for the country that needs to develop to take 700 million people out of poverty.

>> Fossil fuels are coming to an end?

But how could they tell the inhabitants of the most vulnerable countries, the right of India and other countries have to take your misery populations can not withdraw the right of existence of populations of the most vulnerable countries to climate change.

As a politician experienced that is in addition to the solar power enthusiast, Modi should even be stretching the rope and playing for obtaining advantages in agreement that seeks to establish itself in Paris.

And a senior member of the Indian negotiating team gave an important tip about whatever the country, in testimony to the Financial Times: "India is one of the largest coal consumer in the world and will cut its investment in fuel if the new agreement climate offer more money to help them switch to cleaner sources of energy, such as solar energy. "

I hope that the rope does not Smash before the end of next week.

* Délcio Rodrigues is physical, energy expert and environmentalist

terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Only your like bb

""" when he like my post """ my heart not like any thing """ I just think about him

sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2015

10 Cultural Differences Between Delhi and Mumbai

The Delhi vs Mumbai debate is something that is perennial like a cuisine which is popular in all seasons. It is one of those topics like the CIA vs the KGB or India vs Pakistan that have been handed down from generations as pastimes. A touchy topic undoubtedly, but differences do exist whether in the form of non-existence of subtlety or something far more striking. So here is a list of some of the differences between Delhi and Mumbai.

10. Coarse or Decorous:
In Mumbai you can expect people to stand in a bank queue without retorting aggressively while the teller takes time to process each request. In Delhi however, the teller would probably be pulled out of the counter and even hurled abuses at. Patience is grossly missing among the people in Delhi and they make no apologies for crossing every line when it comes to showing that boorish side.

Coarse or Decorous

9. Mumbai’s vibrant Nightlife vs Delhi’s virtually non-existent Nightspots:
Mumbai never seems too tired for a pulsating nightlife. Delhi however is perhaps just the opposite. It is definitely not the city for those who include clubbing in their daily itinerary. Though there are nightspots, discos, bars, pubs and clubs in the city too but it is way lower in the entertainment quotient when compared to Mumbai. Mumbaites would rather choose to go for a drink to at a thriving hangout while Delhites probably wouldn’t.

Vibrant Nightlife

8. Bollywood vs Intellectuals:
Delhi has some of the finest colleges and educational institutions in our country. It is the bustling center of learning with students from around the country converging towards it. Mumbai could be said to be lagging in this respect; of course not lacking. The aura of Delhi is of an intellectual city while Mumbai breathes the Bollywood air. One can put it this way; a genteel Delhiite would savor theatre which is more cerebral as opposed to a Mumbaite.

Bollywood vs Intellectuals

7. Damsels vs Maidens:
One argument that has been there for generations is that the Delhi girls are more sophisticated and refined when compared to Mumbai girls. Well not sure how that is valid or even a matter of segregation but as Indians we never dodge doing that. So yes the “supposed” difference between girls depending on them belonging to Delhi or Mumbai is surely a sticking point.

Damsels vs Maidens

6. Cold Hostility vs subtle camaraderie:
There is always the risk of even the most trifling of arguments to go awry and turn almost fatal in Delhi. We never know what action of ours could attract dire retort from a bystander who more often than not is too conceited to do something as frivolous as move his car out of the way. However, Mumbai has a softer side to it and the by-stander there is more likely to move his car and perhaps even flash a smile while doing that!

Cold Hostility vs subtle camaraderie

5. Of Women:
The society in Mumbai can be perhaps called more pro-women, well at least higher up in the list when compared to Delhi. The direct result of this slight cultural perplexity is the degree to which Delhi is considered unsafe and unfriendly as a city for women. One reason could be the surrounding areas around Delhi are known to be overtly patriarchal. But yes a woman can expect to be treated with more respect in Mumbai than in Delhi any time of the day!


4. Political Centre vs Commercial Capital:
Delhi is the sanctum sanctorum for the political class of our country. It is the host to all kinds of partisan potboilers and is perhaps as many say the Washington on India; though purists might abhor the comparison. Mumbai is where the Sensex drives the show apart from Bollywood of course  It is the commercial capital, the New York of India. While Delhi has a very political undertone, Mumbai has more of a commercial nuance.

Political Centre vs Commercial Capital

3. Violence Quotient:
One needs no introduction to the lawlessness that thrives in Delhi where even an innocent toll booth attendant is killed for performing his duty. False pride often rules the roost in that city. It definitely leaves behind any other city in this race by far. Mumbai inspite of its very own thriving underbelly of crimes is a far innocuous society than Delhi at any given moment. Delhi is a violent city by far as compared to Mumbai.

Violence Quotient

2. Maratha vs Moghul:
Delhi was the seat of Mogul power in India and it is till today a very pertinent cradle of historical Moghul Architecture. Monuments like the Qutub Minar and Red Fort are standing testimonies of this legacy. Mumbai on the other hand is more about Maratha culture and Shivaji’s heritage. The difference is one’s connect is with Moghul while the other’s with Maratha.

Maratha vs Moghul

1. Cosmopolitan Mumbai vs Orthodox Delhi:
Mumbai is a wonderful mix of cultures right from Parsis to Gujaratis, Muslims, Christians and Hindus. Of course, ignoring the cacophonic noise pollution by certain leaders, it is by a large a more diverse and tolerant society. But when it comes to Delhi, the brazen political class and some newly-rich but largely uneducated fractions from the surrounding areas make it more orthodox and often a xenophobic as a society. These are like the few rotten apples that taint the entire picture when it comes to Delhi.

Cosmopolitan Mumbai  x Orthodox Delhi

Cute Breakup

‪#‎Cute_Breakup‬ ♡
Girl - yaar mujhe aapse kuch kehna hai
Boy - haan bolo
Girl - yr aap mujhe bhul jao..
Boy- what??? pagal ho gae ho tum??
yeh kya bol
rahi ho,?
mei tumhare bina kaise rahunga yeh socha bhi hai
yaar i can't live without u ...plz yr aisa mt bolo
Girl - sorry yr par aab tum bhul jao mujhe or
ab message mat
karna please bye.. .
AT Mid Night
. .
Girl - soo gaye kya??
Boy - nhi abhi nhi ..
Girl - soo jao raat bahut ho gae hai..
Boy - ok..bye.. .
Girl - bye
.after few minute
. Girl - abhi bhi nhi soye
Boy - nhi pr tum bhi to nhi soyi abhi tak
Girl - haa mujhe nind nhi aa rahi isliye
Boy - kyu...!
. Girl - (gusse me) tumne gud night jo nhi bola
abhi tak ..
itni der se soch rahi hu ki aab bologe pr tum ho
bolte hi
nhi ... .
Boy - ok baba, sorry gud night aab soo jao
Girl- ok gud night
. again after few minutes
Girl - abhi bhi nind nhi aa rahi
jaise roj bolte ho waise bolo na gud night ..,tab sayad
aa jae
Boy - ok babu ..gud night i love you so much
Girl- bss bss gud night bolne ko bola tha .. i love u nhi.
Boy - ok sorry
( boy think stupid itna bhi nhi samjhti mere i love
u Ke bina to so nhi sakti, mere bina # Zindagi kaise

domingo, 1 de novembro de 2015


Rulana har kisi ko ata hai
Hasana kisi kisi ko ata hai
Rula ke jo mana le wo sacha yaar hai
Aur jo rula ke khud bhi ansu bahaye
Woh apka sacha pyar hai...


* ღ☆ღ *
Good night,Brazil! * Good morning,India!

"Se nos lembrássemos todos os dias que podemos perder alguém subitamente, nós amaríamos mais intensamente e livremente, e seriamos mais tolerantes e compreensivos. Ninguém pode afirmar que não há nada a perder porque tudo pode ser sempre perdido. "

"If we remembered every day that we could suddenly lose someone, we'd love more intensely and freely, and we would be more tolerant and understanding. No one can say that there is nothing to lose because everything can be lost forever."

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015


मोहब्बत की हद्द है सितारों से आगे,
प्यार का जहाँ है बहारों से आगे,
वो दीवानों की कश्ती जब बहने लगी,
तो बहते बह गई किनारों से आगे।

segunda-feira, 5 de outubro de 2015


make you happier than I could.
I guess its my insecurities acting up.
Because I know,
I'm not the beautiful, smartest, or most fun and
But, I do know that,
No matter how long you look....you'll never find
someone that loves you like I do...

terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015


मंदिर के बाहर लिखा हुआ एक खुबसुरत सच......
"अगर उपवास करके भगवान खुश होते,
तो इस दुनिया में बहुत दिनो तक खाली पेट
रहनेवाला भिखारी सबसे सुखी इन्सान होता..
उपवास अन का नही विचारों का करे....
इंसान खुद की नजर में सही होना चाहिए, दुनिया तो भगवान से भी दुखी है!

segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015



domingo, 27 de setembro de 2015


Jaipur is the capital and largest city of the Indian state of Rajasthan in Northern India. It was founded on 18 November 1727 by Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II, the ruler of Amer, after whom the city is named. The city today has a population of 6.66 million, making it the tenth most populous city in the country.

Himalayan Salt

Himalayan Salt
The Himalayan salt is a type of mineral salt from the Himalayan mountains in Pakistan region. Its composition is no more than sodium chloride, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, manganese, fluoride, copper, iodine, and zinc.

The taste is a little different from the salt we consume on a day-to-day, from the sea. This is due to collegues flavors and properties of the salt depend on Their place of origin, soil, pressure, climate and other physical and geological issues.

It is drawn from deposits with Thousands of years inside the mines Which Were bathed by the ocean; It is Considered the oldest salt ever heard.

The reddish color is derived from iron, manganese already Gives orange tone, Resulting in coloration or salmon pink Nearly such a salt.

The Himalayan salt offers greater quality and organic farms, is pure and free of toxins and pollutants, and can be Replaced by common salt, enriching Thus Their usual diet.

By owning sodium chloride, it is important to be consumed with moderation, especially for people who have high blood pressure, or que Tends to have.

Use herbs next to it to season foods, it is always a good option.

sábado, 26 de setembro de 2015


एक लड़की जिसने अपने परिवार के
लिए अपने प्यार को छोड़ दिया....
वो लड़की ये लाइन अपने प्यार की
नई गर्लफ्रेंड के लिए लिखती है..
आज अपने घर वालो के लिए मैंने मेरा
#प्यार खो दिया.....
ये दर्द सहने के बाद भी लोगो ने मुझे
बेवफा कहे दिया.....
मैं खुद को ना माफ़ कर पाउंगी कभी.,
ये उसे ना समझा पाउंगी मैं कभी..
तुम जब आओगी उसकी जिंदगी में
उसे सम्भाल लेना
भूल जाये वो मुझे उसे इतना प्यार देना..
उसे मीठा नही पसंद है ख्याल रखना...
सर्दियो में अक्सर बीमार हो जाता
है ध्यान रखना....
कभी कभी बहुत #गुस्सा हो जाता है...
प्यार से पूछो तो रो जाता है....
उसे गुस्से में कभी कुछ करने मत देना ..
उसे बारिशो में कभी अकेले रहने मत
दूर जाए कभी तो उसका हाथ थाम लेना
तुम्हे वक़्त ना दे पाये तो कभी नाराज ना होना..
कभी मुझे याद कर बैठे तो उसे छोड़ कर
मत जाना..
बस उसे कस कर अपनी बाँहों में भर
भूलेगा वो सब कुछ एक दिन ,
भूल जायेगा वो मुझे भी एक दिन..

segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2015


तजुर्बे ने ये 10 बातें मुझे सिखाई हैं !!
आप भी ज़रूर पढ़ें !!
1. आजकल लोग समझते 'कम' और समझाते 'ज्यादा' हैं !
तभी तो मामले सुलझते 'कम' उलझते 'ज्यादा' हैं !!
2. ज़ुबान की हिफाज़त, दौलत से ज्यादा मुश्किल है !
3. गरीबों का मज़ाक मत उड़ाओ, क्याेकि,
गरीब होने में वक्त नहीं लगता !!
4. अगर प्रार्थना नहीं कर सकते,
तो गुनाह भी मत करो !!
5. दुनिया ये नहीं देखती कि तुम पहले क्या थे ??
बल्कि ये देखती है कि तुम अब क्या हो ??
6. जहाँ अपनी बात की कदर ना हो,
वहां चुप रहना हीं बेहतर है !!
7. धनवान वह नहीं, जिसकी तिजोरी नोटों से भरी है,
धनवान तो वो हैं जिसकी तिजोरी रिश्तों से भरी है !!
8. लोगों से मिलते वक्त इतना मत झुको कि,
उठते वक्त सहारा लेना पड़े !!
9. शिकायते तो बहुत है तुझसे ऐ जिन्दगी,
पर चुप इसलिये हूँ कि जो दिया तूने,
वो भी बहुतो को नसीब नहीं होता !!
10. न सफारी में नज़र आई और न ही फरारी में नज़र आई !
जो खुशियाँ बचपन में दोस्तों के साथ साईकिल की सवारी में नज़र आई !

sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2015

The 7 Islands That Made Mumbai We Know Today

Call it Bombay or Mumbai, for every Mumbaikar it will always be – Amchi Mumbai. The city is the economic capital and the most populous city of India. Located on the west coast of Maharashtra, Mumbai has been an integral natural harbor and accounts about 70% of the marine trade of India. Setting up the standards with global market, Mumbai is all set to become the Shanghai of India.
The city of Mumbai is archipelago of seven islands which are together connected to shape the economic hub of India. The basic city model was stated by the Portuguese who claimed their possession over the seven islands of Mumbai.
Let’s take a look at these seven islands that make up Mumbai

7. Old Women’s Island

The island is located north of Colba and is characteristically the smallest land mass of the city. This is why the island is sometimes referred as the Little Colaba. The island is also called as Al-Omani a Arabic name because the native Koli’s once fished till the Gulf of Oman.

6. Worli

Traditionally known as Worlee or Varli, the island is better recognized as the land of Kalsi. The island of Warli is popular for its Haji Ali Dargah, which is sited on a rock in the sea. Even though the island was a important feature of the city, Worli was connected to the city capital in 1784. Similarly the pumping station on Dr Annie Besant road was designed to during the British Raj which allowed water through gates during low tides.
Worli is the landmark for the commercial Mumbai and has busiest office areas in capital city. the island is home to major companies like Aditya Birla Group GSK Pharma, TATA, Novartis, HDFC Bank, Yes Bank and Siemens.
Worli Island

5. Mazagon

Pronounced as Mazhgav (the village of fishing) by the native Mumbaikars, Mazagoan contributes majority of land area in southern Mumbai. The island showcased the influence of the Portuguese invaders through Gloria church which was built in 1632. However, by the end of 17th century the island had developed into outlying suburb of Mumbai. The island witnessed various dock projects during the British Raj and historical bridging with Malabar hill.
Influenced by the Portuguese and the Britishers, the island have several historical churches like St. Anne’s Church, Our Lady of the Rosary Church, St. Joseph’s Church, St. Peter’s Church and Methodist Churches. Mahapurush Temple, Seth Motisha Jain Temple, Framji Patel Parsi Agiary, Angre House and Ganpati Mandir are some other important landmarks of the southern island.
Mazagon  Island

4. Parel

Popular for the cotton mills in and around the island, Parel is the modern outlook of Mumbai with skyscrapers apartments and luxury hotels dominating the area. Similar to the island of Mahin, Parel was under the Raja Bhimdev realm during the 13th century. However, after the conquering of Mumbai by the Portuguese, the island was authorized to the Jesuit priest. Although, the island earned its aristocratic appreciative ever since William Hornby, the Governor of Bombay, shifted his official residence to Parel in 1770.
Parel is the stance to the emerging Mumbai and has some mesmerizing luxury collection of the city. Places like Palladium, Nehru Planetarium, Nehru Centre Art Gallery, Tao Art Gallery and monolithic statue called Baradev are popular spots of attraction in Parel
Parel  Island

3. Colaba

Before the invasion of Britishers in the 17th century, the Portuguese called the island as Candil. However, the word Colaba means the territory of Kolis (native fishermen of Mumbai). After the Treaty of Bassein in 1534 the island was acquired by the Portuguese and they directed the island for almost a century from Goa. After its governance with the Britishers from 1672 – 1863, the islands was declared as a separate municipal ward in 1872.
The present day island of Colaba is a home to the major art galleries and museums in the city. Moreover, the historical monuments like Prong’s Lighthouse, Gateway of India and Sassoon Docks are located in Colaba. Places like Regal theatre, Taj Mahal Palace & Tower hotel, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research and Colaba Causeway are popular tourist destinations.
Colaba Island

2. Mahim

Popular by its native names like Maijim and Mejambu, the island of Mahim is located to the westernmost end of the city. The island served as the capital during the Raja Bhimdev Empire in the 13th century and recognized the island with a court of justice in Prabhadevi. Signs of Muslim invading after the monarchy can be noticed from the old Mahim mosque and Makhtum Fakir Ali Paru dargah. The island was later powered by the Portuguese in 1543, but gifted Mahim and seven other islands to the English King, King Charles as a dowry. The iconic Mahim fort was later built by the English army to safeguard themselves from Portuguese.
The modern island of Mahim has some important landmarks of the city like St. Michael’s Church, Sitladevi Temple, Hinduja Hospital, Mahim Bunder, Xavier Institute of Engineering and Canossa Convent High School. Some other places of attraction in Mahim are Mahim Bay, Bandra-Worli Sealink, Mahim Creek and Mahim Causeway.
Mahim  Island

1. Bombay Island

Also referred as the Isle of Bombay, the island operated as the center and the main harbor during the British Empire. The central city location was stretched from Dongri to Malabar Hill. The island has an entrenched history dating back to the Mauryan period and state signs of Buddhism teachings in western India. The coastal importance of the island attracted invaders from different corners of the world and was governed by The Delhi Sultanate, Gujarat Sultanate, Bahamani Sultanate of Deccan and then the British Empire.

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quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2015

Shaktimaan - Episode 1

Govandi Neighbourhood

Govandi Neighbourhood

Govandi is a suburban neighbourhood in eastern Mumbai, India. Govandi railway station is on the Harbour Line of the Mumbai Suburban Railway.
The railway line passing through Govandi divides it into two halves, Govandi (North) and Govandi (South).

Govandi (South)
Govandi (South), with Postal PIN Code 400043/400088, has an excellent infrastructure, with close road connectivity to the Sion-Trombay Highway, on the eastern side. Deonar Village is home to the Deonar Telecom Exchange, adjacent to the Sion-Trombay Highway. The Telecom Factory Road, leading to Deonar Village, is home to contemporary modern housing complexes such as Mumbai Port Trust Colony(M.B.P.T), Runwal Centre, Navadurga Apartments, Neelkanth Gardens,Samarpan C.H.S, Hari-Kripa C.H.S Ltd., Babu Sheth Smruti CHS., Orchid Residency CHS Ltd., Trimurti C.H. S. Ltd., Raheja Acropolis, Dutt Guru CHS Ltd., Banganga CHS, Patwardhan Colony, Sai Simran CHS Ltd. and Jeevan Mahal (built by "Jeevan Tukaram Patil" in 1969). The International Institute of Population Sciences, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and Shah & Anchor Polytechnics are also located in the vicinity. The lush green belt also has many Banks like ICICI, IDBI Bank, Dena Bank, State Bank of India, apart from number of ATMs of Axis Bank, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, SBI, IDBI etc.

BARC's Hospital is situated further South after crossing the Sion-Trombay traffic junction. Many corporate houses such as Spanco BPO, Dukes(PepsiCo), Lakme, and USV Ltd are also situated here. Slowly this once sleeping village of orchids is turning in to concrete jungle and hub of commercial activities.

There is a Municipal Park an open space for citizens providing Jogging, walking facilities. There is a unisex Gym situated in the park used by many school children (who are also taught Karate). Many senior citizens spend their evenings in the park with their own groups.

Govandi (North)
Govandi (North) however, is in stark contrast to Govandi (South). The television series Shaktiman was filmed here. Govandi (North), which also houses Deonar Abattoir, has most of the colonies provided by the government to their staff. One of them is Teachers Colony (for Municipal school teachers). The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai has about 90% of its staff quarters located here. Govandi (West) also houses a few cottage and small scale industries. Also housed are 600 tenements, with the New Deonar Municipal Colony, which has the biggest compound in Mumbai.

Notable landmarks in Govandi (North) are the Deonar Municipal Colony, Deonar Slaughterhouse, Tata Nagar, Gautam Nagar Plot 1 to 4, Lumbini Baug, Sankara Colony, Assisi Nagar, Indian Oil Nagar, MHADA Transist Buildings, Shivaji Nagar, Lotus Colony, Gajanan Colony,Kamla Raman Nagar, Zakir Hussain Nagar, Baigan Wadi, and Maharashtra Nagar, . It also has many Pharmaceutical companies such as Hindustan Biologicals, Manish Pharmaceuticals.Govandi (North) has its own Fire Station which serves the nearby areas. It also has Firemen colonies.The Postal PIN Code is 400043.

Earlier, BEST had its old bus depot at Baiaganwadi, which was replaced by a new, bigger bus depot.

As population of this area due to MHADA Transist Building is expected to be increased by 30% of GOVANDI(North) POPULATION by the year 2020, after full allotment of the premises/Flats in transit buildings some of these MAHDA transit buildings are still under planning, some under constrcution and allotement stages. To meet the minimal water supply PER CAPITA DEMAND of the new COLONIES along with CURRENT POPULATION of 280,000 NORTH GOVANDI(earlier the area's major population was Suffering from water supply problem since 1995 till 2011 ) MCGM had build a reservoir to fulfill the water demand for this area. This reservoir is one of the biggest reservoir in MCGM limit

segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2015


Khwaish Thi Ruthe Yaar Ko
Manane Ki...
Uske Aanchal Me Toot Ke
Bikhar Jaane Ki...
Jab Pahunche Uske Aangan
Me To Dekha...
Wo Dua Kar Rahe The Kisi
Aur Ko Paane Ki...


Pyar pehli baarish ki boondon main hai
Pyar khilte phoolon ki khushboo main hai
Pyar dhalte sooraj ki kirano main hai
Pyar har naye din ki umeed hai
Pyar khwaab hai,Pyar jeet hai
Pyar pyaar hai,Pyar geet hai
Pyar do jahano ka sangeet hai
Pyar har khushi,Pyar zindagi
Pyar tishnagi,Pyar bandagi hai
Pyar sang chalty hawaon main hai
Pyar in barasti ghataon main hai
Pyar doston ki wafaon main hai
haath uttha ke jo maangi gayi hai dua
Pyar ka asar un duaon main hai …